
  • a zero sum game 零和遊戲,雙輸
    I don't think this is a zero-sum game. If the customer wins, we win too.


  • win-win 雙贏
    It's the quintessential win-win: Customers get what they want and subsequently buy more; companies waste less money and increase sales and profits.


  • the bottom line 結果;盈餘
    每個公司的會計都要在財務報表上將收入與開支相減,最後得到一個關鍵數字,代表公司盈餘多少或虧損多少?這就是所謂的bottom line。現在,bottom line這個詞彙已經成為人們經常用的了,不僅商人,而且連政府官員和其他一般人都用。

I hate to tell you this, but if we don't get more customers the next three months, the bottom line is that we'll go out of business.

  • push the envelope 突破極限
    envelope除了是「信封」以外,還是一個技術性的辭彙。指的是機械或其他設備的性能範圍,或者功用極限。引申為全力以赴,逼到極限,做明智、革新的事,為先鋒者,來超越自己的潛力,相當於go beyond the limits。

比方說,如果一輛汽車的設計規格為最高時速一百八十公里,但是你卻以一百九十公里的時速駕駛這輛車,那麼你就是在push the envelope,超越它的性能範圍了,或者是在玩命了。因此它有突破極限的味道。

If we are going to lead this industry, we need to push the envelope.

  • level playing field - 公平賽局
    The WTO agreement helps to level the playing field, which gives us the chance to compete anywhere in the world.


  • the lion's share 最大的那一份
    If we want the lion's share of the profit, we'll have to do the lion's share of the work.

文章來源: 世界公民文化中心


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