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Readers davidlougheed and TSHTF both let us know that microblogging service Plurk reported today that Microsoft China not only copied look and feel from its interface, but alsocopied raw code from Plurk's service, when it released its own microblogging service called MSN Juku (or Mclub). In instances of the code released on the Plurk blog, the layout, code structure, and variable names were very similar or in some cases 100% identical. The story has been covered in multiple media sources. The software theft is hypocritical, given Microsoft's past threats against Chinese software piracy."

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作者 : Brain.com記者 吳恬儀

更新時間 : 2009/12/08 18:41:44

(Brain.com 2009-12-09)有了科技與網路的幫忙,在數位時代下,量身訂做的商品不再是有錢人的特權,即使平凡無奇的普通人,只要打開電腦,不管是量身訂做的 鞋子、服飾,甚至連長得跟你一樣的公仔、印上名字的M&M巧克力,都不再是遙不可及的夢想。但隨著平面媒體也逐漸跟上個人化的腳步,個人化的雜誌 是否能夠為近幾年深受網路上免費資訊衝擊的雜誌產業,注入一劑強心針?

  如果有一天,你翻開你最喜歡的雜誌,並在上面的廣告看到你的名字,可別嚇壞了,這可是美國雜誌界龍頭時代雜誌旗下實驗性雜誌──MINE的創 舉。讀者不只能自行從時代集團內的8本雜誌,挑選喜愛的5本雜誌,更能透過簡單的心理測驗,從既有的56種版本中,比對出符合自己興趣和閱讀習慣的內容, 並集結成一本個人化的免費雜誌,也因此,MINE在推出前就引發各界的熱切關注。

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  • Dec 09 Wed 2009 08:38





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Yahoo! http://tw.travel.yahoo.com/topic/tw-travel.taipeiwalker.com.tw/12586266053298


店家:日式珍珠紅豆餅(饒河街夜市) 電話:0932-832-972 地址:台北市饒河街208號前攤位 營業時間:17:30~凌晨01:00 交通:搭605、203、205、311、276、306、63、204、藍12、藍7在「松山火車站」下車。

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本文引用自lovely - [保養]"BQB BODY"之完美上半身大公開


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EMBED-Mattress Dominoes Record Attempt - Watch more free videos

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荷蘭的設計師Jelte van Geest所設計的一張椅子(Take a seat),只要透過每人獨有的圖書館證上的RFID,就可以驅動一張專屬的沙發椅緊緊跟著你,走到那,找到書就能馬上坐下來,再也不用去找位子,而且也不怕一旦離開位子一下就被人佔去的問題,因為這是你專屬的椅子。



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I bought some clothes from a merchant via Amazon. The company that I ordered from shipped the wrong item. I sent it back and was told it will take three or four weeks to process my return. A month!

I wrote back, asking why it would take so long. The response, "Thank you for your inquiry. To answer your question we are NOT an big company like Amazon we are actually a small company, That is why it does take us a little longer than others."

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One day, you may be lucky enough to have a scarcity problem. A product or a service or even a job that's in such high demand that people are clamoring for more than you can make.

We can learn a lot from the abysmal performance of Apple this weekend. They took a hot product and totally botched the launch because of a misunderstanding of the benefits and uses of scarcity.

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By Michael Calore July 10th, 2008 Categories: Mobile, Software & Tools

Until recently, your iPhone could do all sorts of everyday stuff like make phone calls, surf the web, play MP3s and take pictures. But now that the Apple App Store has launched, the device’s capabilities are endless. Your phone can now make strange noises when you tap it, find a restaurant when you shake it or pause a CD from across the room.

Here’s our list of eight cool things your iPhone 2.0 can do for you. All of the apps we’ve highlighted are available in the App Store, and many of them are free. We’ve excluded games (check Game|Life) and e-books (boring!) from the list. The links we’ve provided are to the web pages for the apps themselves, not the App Store pages — not everyone has an iPhone and iTunes 7.7, and we don’t want to exclude anyone. Besides, you know how to use a search box, right?

Photo: Jim Merithew/Wired

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