目前分類:英文 (13)

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很多人說不知道為什麼自己講英文總覺得拘謹。確實,我們不敢或不會像native speaker那樣自然地運用一些"出格"的詞來加強意趣。
他們很靈活地用在像"strategywise"(從策略上說),"weatherwise"(就天氣而言),雖不正式但在活中卻屢見不鮮、生機勃勃。因此,有人開玩笑說 :
"I like this house locationwise, but rentwise it's beyond me."(這幢房子的地點我倒喜歡,但房租我付不起。)note: 你不用講那麼誇張,只要懂意思就好。

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年前中國大陸共舉行大會紀念改革開放30周年,胡錦濤在講話中的一句北方方言「不折騰」,可難倒了國內外媒體界的雙語精英。為了要表達心念之堅定,胡錦濤連續用了三個「不 」,他說:「不動搖、不懈怠、不折騰,堅定不移地推進改革開放......。」
網 路上出現了五花八門說法,像「翻來覆去」(don't flip flop),「別走岔路」(don't get sidetracked),「別反覆」(don't sway back and forth)、不躊躇(no dithering),也有翻譯成「沒有重大變化」(no major changes)的。
有趣的是,在當晚國務院新聞發表會上,當有記者問到和「不折騰」有關的問題時,現場翻譯官乾脆根據中文拼音念出"bu zheteng",讓這三字用語再引來一陣爆笑。事後,中國媒體在報導中讚揚一番,說"bu zheteng"或許將成為英語當中的專屬名詞。
三個字的翻譯折騰了半天,折騰出了一個"bu zheteng"。

** 企業英語教室


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雖然一路學英文可能有一、二十年,有時是錯了沒有人糾正,有時是拼拼? 揍也過得去,於是英文永遠停留在"Survival English"的階段,於是遇到老外時,先告解一下:"My English is poor"! 這句話成了自己英文不好的最大藉口。下定決心,再也不要說"My English is poor"這句話,你的英文就要開始好。
以下是survival English救不了的英文,每天多唸幾遍,很快會超越survival階段。

1. I will get around to finishing the project next week. (找時間做)
2. He didn't give me any details. Could you fill me in? (補充說明)
3. You really have come a long way with your interpersonal skills. (進步很多)
4. The meeting will be on Monday. Are you available? I know it's pretty short notice. (很晚才通知)
5. When we bought the car, our decision comes down to color and price. (取決於)
6. My name is Elisabeth, but you can call me Lisa for short. (簡稱)
7. We need to be in top shape for the negotiation. (保持在最好狀態)



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1. a cup of Joe
一杯咖啡。A cup of Joe也就是a cup of coffee。 這個說法是從紐約一家公司Martinson's Coffee的Joe Martinson的名字而來,據說咖啡館附近街區都彌漫著咖啡的香,於是人們都稱咖啡為 a cup of Joe。

2. average Joe
Average意思是"平均的,一般水準的",而Joe又是一個極其常見的名字,所以人們就用average Joe來表示很普通的一個人。

3. John Q. Public
普通人。在美語中,John Q. Public也是指"普通人,民眾"。類似的片語是:John Q. Citizen.還有很多與John有關的片語,如:big John(新兵),cheap John(亂砍價的商人; 叫賣小販),honest John(誠實的人; 容易上當的人),square John(誠實可靠的人)。

4. not know Jack about
一無所知。如: I don't know Jack about cooking意思就是 I know nothing about cooking(我對釣魚一無所知)。而I don't know Jack的意思就是"我什麼也不知道"。關於Jack,還有兩個常見的句子。Do you know Jack shit?就是問別人, "你知不知道什麼叫無知? 在美國的口語中, Jack shit是粗話,意思是什麼也沒有。

5. For Pete's sake
感嘆詞,用以強烈表達情緒,意為"哎呀,天哪",有些地方也譯作"看在上帝面上;務必" 等。在這個片語中,Pete是耶穌大弟子St.Peter暱稱。假設你向別人道了歉,他還沒完沒了,這時你可以說:I said I was sorry.What else do you want me to do, for Pete's sake?(我已經說對不起了,拜託,你還想叫我怎樣啊?)

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1. http://www.esl-lab.com/index.htm

2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/

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有些英文字看起來很簡單,其實很難用,因為中文裡沒有「對應字」(counterpart)。這些字夾在整個句子裡,聽老外說也還懂,但你從來不會這麼說,像Thoughsomehowanyway nevertheless

這些字經常發生在口語上,看上去好像沒什麼意思,因為這關乎的比較是「口氣」的問題。 這些轉折的口氣,會構成一種氣氛,我習慣稱它為「口氣」。語氣比文法還複雜,它沒有很明確的規則,感受它比記憶它來得更有效 

語氣或口氣,這個問題就來自學員提問;世界公民文化中心的學員很多儘管已經位居企業要職,還是很用功,他們提問經常變成企業英語教室的素材,讓世界公民編輯部絞盡腦汁(Rack our brain),把一些原本以為既定成俗的規則,再掏出來翻兩翻。

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Wait, Await



Await(v.)----“等候期待 書面語。特指對於斷定必來的人或事的不斷的期待。後面接受詞。例:

  • We can wait here until he comes.我們可以在此地等候他來。
  • How long have you been waiting?你等多久了?
  • How long have you been waiting for me ?你等我多久了?
  • We are anxiously awaiting your reply .我們很期待你的回應。
  • She was at the door awaiting him. 她在門口等候他。

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這10句英文不是很好講,因為光從中文意思照翻英文,就不傳神。一般老外和你單獨溝通時,大概不會用這類句子,但如果和一群老外溝通,他們很習慣順口就是成語;搞不懂就會覺得自己被"left behind"。我們的建議是,你先不必特別背或記,別人講的時候你懂,就好了。 

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"against the clock" - in a hurry to do something before a particular time


You are working against the clock when you are trying to finish your work within a limited amount of time.

e.g. "We worked against the clock all day to get that report done by five." 我們拼命趕在五點以前完成報告。

You often compare the time on the clock against how much work you have left to do when you are working against the clock.

e.g. "We have to finish this report by 8 o'clock tonight, so we're really working against the clock."時間緊迫,我們得在今晚八點以前完成報告。

The passing of time ("the clock") works against you when you are working against the clock.

e.g. "David, will you have time to help me with my proposal today?" Reply: "Sorry, I won't. I'll be working against the clock to finish my presentation. 大衛,你有空幫我弄計劃案嗎?對不起,我趕時間做我的簡報呢!

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on fire 起火、著火 The house is on fire.
on the fire 在爐火上 The cooking pan is still on the fire.
under fire 遭受攻擊 The movie showed the border under fire.

in time for 趕得上 They were just in time for the train.
in time of 在...的時候 Good ideas come in time of crisis.

by name名叫 The policeman arrested a pickpocket, Chang San by name.
in name名義上 We are free in fact as well as in name.

be in office 就職、執政 The new cabinet is now in office.
be in an office 當職員 Mr. Brown has been in an office for a few years.
in the office 在辦公室裡 Cadres is not in the office.

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blue chip--原意是藍色籌碼,在牌局中藍色籌碼價值較高,用在股市上,引申為績優股.

CNN 原文

"JPMorganChase expects to have 40 research analysts there by June. Deloitt (ph), 1,000 employees in India as well, Hewlett-Packard 5,000, Oracle. I mean, these are blue-chip companies. These are some of the best companies in the U.S. in terms of what the future economy is going to be built on."


CNN 原文

"Many economists fear that this country of 140 million people may be forced to default on its $800 million debt payment due at the end of June."

public offering--公開發行,也可以叫公開募集,一般的公開發行對象包括一般投資人(或散戶individual investors)和機構投資人(即法人institutional investor),我們常聽到的IPO就是initial public offering,首次公開發行;與公開發行相對的是私人募集

文是private placement.

"It started with Netscape; its Web browser inspired a generation of companies and its initial public offering in August of 1995 inspired a generation of investors to bet on the Internet as a transforming technology and an engine of wealth creation on par with the railroads, electricity and the automobile. "


文章來源: 世界公民文化中心 http://www.core-corner.com/Web/

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  • a zero sum game 零和遊戲,雙輸
    I don't think this is a zero-sum game. If the customer wins, we win too.


  • win-win 雙贏
    It's the quintessential win-win: Customers get what they want and subsequently buy more; companies waste less money and increase sales and profits.


  • the bottom line 結果;盈餘
    每個公司的會計都要在財務報表上將收入與開支相減,最後得到一個關鍵數字,代表公司盈餘多少或虧損多少?這就是所謂的bottom line。現在,bottom line這個詞彙已經成為人們經常用的了,不僅商人,而且連政府官員和其他一般人都用。

I hate to tell you this, but if we don't get more customers the next three months, the bottom line is that we'll go out of business.

  • push the envelope 突破極限
    envelope除了是「信封」以外,還是一個技術性的辭彙。指的是機械或其他設備的性能範圍,或者功用極限。引申為全力以赴,逼到極限,做明智、革新的事,為先鋒者,來超越自己的潛力,相當於go beyond the limits。

比方說,如果一輛汽車的設計規格為最高時速一百八十公里,但是你卻以一百九十公里的時速駕駛這輛車,那麼你就是在push the envelope,超越它的性能範圍了,或者是在玩命了。因此它有突破極限的味道。

If we are going to lead this industry, we need to push the envelope.

  • level playing field - 公平賽局
    The WTO agreement helps to level the playing field, which gives us the chance to compete anywhere in the world.


  • the lion's share 最大的那一份
    If we want the lion's share of the profit, we'll have to do the lion's share of the work.

文章來源: 世界公民文化中心 http://www.core-corner.com/Web/

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